Dynamic teams modules

Here is the mapping of service methods to REST API calls. The “messages” services could be any user defined service.


Retrieves a list of all matching resources from the service

GET /api/v1/myteamdomain/messages?status=read&user=10

Will call zoolo('messages').find({ query: { status: 'read', user: '10' } }) on the server.

If you want to use any of the built-in find operands ($le, $lt, $ne, $eq, $in, etc.) the general format is as follows:

GET /api/v1/myteamdomain/messages?field[$operand]=value&field[$operand]=value2

For example, to find the records where field status is not equal to active you could do

GET /api/v1/myteamdomain/messages?status[$ne]=active

The find API allows the use of $limit, $skip, $sort, and $select in the query. These special parameters can be passed directly inside the query object:

`// Find all messages that are read, limit to 10, only include text field. {"read":"1", "$limit":10, "$select": ["name"] } } // JSON

GET /api/v1/myteamdomain/messages?read=1&$limit=10&$select[]=text // HTTP`


Retrieve a single resource from the service.

GET /api/v1/myteamdomain/messages/123

Will call zoolo('messages').get(123, {}) on the server.

GET /api/v1/myteamdomain/messages/1?fetch=all

Will call zoolo('messages').get(1, { query: { fetch: 'all' } }) on the server.


Create a new resource with data which may also be an array.

POST /api/v1/myteamdomain/messages { "text": "I really have to iron" }

Will call messages.create({ "text": "I really have to iron" }, {}) on the server.

POST /messages [ { "text": "I really have to iron" }, { "text": "Do laundry" } ]

Note: With a database adapters the multi option has to be set explicitly to support creating multiple entries.


Completely replace a single or multiple resources.

PUT /api/v1/myteamdomain/messages/123 { "text": "I really have to do laundry" }

Will call zoolo('messages').update(123, { "text": "I really have to do laundry" }, {}) on the server. When no id is given by sending the request directly to the endpoint something like:

PUT /api/v1/myteamdomain/messages?complete=false { "complete": true }

Will call zoolo('messages').update(null, { "complete": true }, { query: { complete: 'false' } }) on the server.

ProTip: update is normally expected to replace an entire resource which is why the database adapters only support patch for multiple records.


Merge the existing data of a single or multiple resources with the new data.

PATCH /api/v1/myteamdomain/messages/123 { "read": true }

Will call zoolo('messages').patch(123, { "read": true }, {}) on the server. When no id is given by sending the request directly to the endpoint something like:

PATCH /api/v1/myteamdomain/messages?complete=false { "complete": true }

Will call zoolo('messages').patch(null, { complete: true }, { query: { complete: 'false' } }) on the server to change the status for all read messages.

Note: With a database adapters the multi option has to be set to support patching multiple entries.

This is supported out of the box by the Feathers database adapters


Remove a single or multiple resources:

DELETE /api/v1/myteamdomain/messages/123?cascade=true

Will call zoolo('messages').remove(123, { query: { cascade: 'true' } }).

When no id is given by sending the request directly to the endpoint something like:

DELETE /api/v1/myteamdomain/messages?read=true

Will call messages.remove(null, { query: { read: 'true' } }) to delete all read messages.

Note: With a database adapters the multi option has to be set to support patching multiple entries.

Last updated